Thursday, April 22, 2010

Word of the Week - clarifuckation

Word of the Week

The word of the week is brought to you by Lucy, whose lexical knowledge is superior to most.

Granted, clarifuckation itself is not a word - at least not according to Merriam-Webster - but it does convey a certain...tone, does it not?

Lucy brought this word to my attention in an email not too long ago. I had wanted to use that email as an example today, but I had deleted it *sad panda face*

But Lucy has saved the day! Here is a message from Lucy:

Clarifuckation: The need to clarify something to its most simple form to prevent witty bitches making innuendos from your stupidity, or general slowness.


"Do you need me to clarifuck you?"

"I'm on the train and there was a tunnel (an actual tunnel, not a sexual tunnel or metaphorical tunnel - don't know why but i feel clarifuckation is important with you witty bitches) and i was like did it send, it didn't send did it, maybe it sent, oh god people must be warned about tina's technorapery, they must be warned damn it!"

© Copyright Catonspeed™ ;)

*dons serious business face*

M'kay, Merriam-Webster gives us the following for the word clarification:

Main Entry: clar·i·fy
Pronunciation: \ˈkler-ə-ˌfī, ˈkla-rə-\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): clar·i·fied; clar·i·fy·ing
Etymology: Middle English clarifien, from Anglo-French clarifier, from Late Latin clarificare, from Latin clarus clear — more at clear
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 : to make (as a liquid) clear or pure usually by freeing from suspended matter
2 : to free of confusion
3 : to make understandable
intransitive verb
: to become clear
clar·i·fi·ca·tion \ˌkler-ə-fə-ˈkā-shən, ˌkla-rə-\ noun
clar·i·fi·er \ˈkler-ə-ˌfī(-ə)r, ˈkla-rə-\ noun

In the story Marriage, by Madame Meg, Charlie clarifies things for Edward:

Charlie held up his hand as if to stop me from talking. "Please, son, just let this old man finish his speech."

Did he just call me son?

"Renee's cousin is a pyro, you know. Loves fire and loves to... share the fire." Charlie arched one eye-brow. "Understand what I'm saying?"

I could only nod mutely.

"Now, let me clarify the rules for your marriage with my daughter," he started up again. My eyes went wide.

"Rules?" I exclaimed. Surely he was joking!

"Rules," he confirmed. "For starters, you may wrap your arms around her. But your arms may not stray from around her shoulders. I also want a good six inches between the two of you at all times. If you can manage to get your arm around her shoulders with that distance between the two of you, then good for you, son! Feel free to do so.

*dons irreverent Lamb face*

Enjoy these beauties I found to illustrate today's lesson:


The pièce de résistance goes to this pic below. Fucking noob genius *rolls eyes* Yeah, thanks for the clarifuckation...asshole.


1 comment:

  1. I was happy to broaden your vocabulary! Now we just need to get it into the dictionary. Shouldn't be too hard right?

    Clarifuckation: The need to clarify something to its most simple form to prevent witty bitches making innuendos from your stupidity, or general slowness.


    "Do you need me to clarifuck you?"

    "I'm on the train and there was a tunnel (an actual tunnel, not a sexual tunnel or metaphorical tunnel - don't know why but i feel clarifuckation is important with you witty bitches) and i was like did it send, it didn't send did it, maybe it sent, oh god people must be warned about tina's technorapery, they must be warned damn it!"

    © Copyright Catonspeed™ ;)
