Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Selection Fail for 05-23-10

A brief explanation for the lack of today's Sunday Selection.

Due to tonight's Lost series finale, two out of three lambs weren't coherent enough to write a decent enough review. For some odd reason, our review attempts always end up with the theory about the island, who the man in black is, where is Vincent, etc.

Yeah, we don't get it, either.
I mean, have you seen tonight's finale?

Believe us when we say you weren't the only one upset with us.
*hangs head in shame*


So, um, if you'll excuse us...

Feel free to discuss what you think about Lost in the comments section.
The Lost geek in Donna and me will be over the moon at your theories/responses.


  1. i saw the finale, i think i understood what happened...

    in the earlier seasons they showed flashes of the past, later seasons they showed flashes of the future, the last season they showed flashes of the afterlife.

    when the characters in the after life scenes would have "memories" of the island, they were turning the flashes into a more pivotal part of the story that flashbacks/forwards were...the afterlife became the present and the island and all the seasons leading up to six were actually past events.

    the island was a real place, the plane really did crash, the oceanic 6 really did leave and return...jacks father said everybody dies eventually. so while we know jack died in the finale, i think lepidus did get the other people off the island. even though they dont show it i think they died later on in life...

    now jack felt most fullfilled when he was with the plane crash survivors, so when his spirit couldnt cope with the fact that he died, he created this place with all of his island friends... and since time doesnt matter when your dead, it didn't matter when who died.

    Vincent wasnt allowed into the afterlife or heaven because God decided that SHE had licked her crotch one too many times and Jesus is actually holding a grudge against a yellow lab for peeing on his crucifix. Not to mention the scandal of a female pretending to be a male...this is why Lassie got rejected too.

    as to who the man in black is I would think its obvious...he has no name, he dresses in black, no one caught this? Hes an alien! he used to work for a secret government agency but was shipped off to this island when he became infected with an alien disease that turned him into a shapeshifting smoke monster... Duh, people. thats also why no one else ccan find the island...anybody who discovers it gets flashy-memory-messer-upper-thingy-ed

    arent you glad i'm a fucking genius?

  2. LOL, i didnt mean to post twice. i pressed post comment, refreshed the page tried to post comment again. tricky button.
