A Different Forest is a fantastic site that everyone should check out! Per their Facebook page, they are "a fun fan community for the Twi-verse, and it's open to everyone: lovers, ranters, writers, readers, chatters, photo-mongers, artists, enthusiasts, filmmakers, movie-goers, gossipers, vampires, werewolves, humans, hybrids, Volturi, demon-spawn, grouches, groupies, grumps and even gripers." Follow them on Twitter, too! There is always something new and fun to be enjoyed at A Different Forest! And be sure to check them out on Tuesdays for 'Pimp Your Fic Recs' if you're searching for the next great read.
My Vamp Fiction "is an open community that encourages fun, intelligent discussion about all things Vampire and Vampire-related." Their goal is "to not only provide a one-stop shop for fans to discuss books, music, movies & television series within the Vampire fiction genre (and to some extent, the Paranormal fiction genre as well), but also to inspire creativity through fan fiction, music & art." Please follow on Twitter at @myvampfiction!
My Vamp Fiction is also hosting an original fiction short story contest called...well...Original Fiction Contest. The challenge is for people to write an original short story using their own twist on the vampire lore. It will run for two months, and the winners will be announced on MVF's 1st Anniversary (Hallowe'en!). Entries are being accepted now and until October 9, 2010, and voting will start on Oct 10 and last through to the 30th. MVF is really excited about this contest and hope to get some "bites". So put on your original thinking caps and get to work! Show us what YOU can come up with!
Although they love all the male characters of Twilight, Team SOB shares with the Fanfiction Universe their adoration for their favorite Native American. They are not limited to Team Jacob, though. Oh, no. They are equal opportunists and their blog is a place where everyone is "sort of beautiful". So, come and join their party and be sure to follow them on Twitter!
The Indie TwiFic Awards was created to recognize the best up-and-coming or under-recognized Twilight Fan Fiction stories out there. Voting is now closed, and the winners were unveiled March 28th. Congratulations!
You can follow them on Twitter at @TheIndiesTwific.
We love The Lazy Yet Discerning Ficster for many reasons - their essays and recs - but what stands out to us is their well-known Character Exploration series! If you have not already checked out this site, do so now. Be sure to check out their site in general, and most definitely their archived Exploration Series. Not to be missed... Follow them on Twitter at @tlydf.
Run by a British Bitch and an American Whore, Fanficers Anonymous is a site where they discuss their favourite stories, preferred couples, writers they love, and keep the fandom updated with which fics have updated in the last 24 hours. Be sure to follow them on Twitter!
TwiFicNews is the home of the Word of the Day, and it is also a place where you can both submit your contest or challenge and peruse their directory of current awards and challenges in the Fandom! If you have an event that you would like added to their calendar, email them at twificnews@gmail.com. They are a great source for the latest info in the Twi-verse, so be sure to follow them on Twitter!
The Twilight Awards, of course, is the great and fantastic directory and calendar of all twific awards, challenges, and writing contests! You can ask them to highlight your contest as long as you provide all the appropriate information regarding your contest, and they are wonderful about tweeting it out there to all of their followers. You wouldn't believe the number of hits you will receive to your contest, and the more hits = the more entries = extra creativity within the Fandom! And, of course, if you are looking for a contest to enter, be sure to check out The Twilight Awards...there are so many different awards available to enter.
Twilight Fandom Gives Back is a Fandom-wide initiative created to raise money for Alex's Lemonade Stand, a children's cancer research foundation. Be sure to follow FGB on Twitter so you are up-to-date with what's going on as far as issues with the site, the total raised so far, and special announcements! The Eclipse Edition was a HUGE success, the total raised for 2010 was $140,179.00!!
You can also donate at any time to The Fandom Gives Back page over at Alex's Lemonade Stand. Just click the lemon on the page! Every penny counts!!
'The Twinklings Community is basically a group of Twihards made up of the TC staff, guest reviewers, and you! TTC is primarily a place where Twific authors can get feedback on their work from the staff members, and from specific guest reviewers, sans the pressure of large audiences and "formal" publication on fanfiction.net or twilighted. It is where fics can grow into wonderful stories worthy of recognition. We pride ourselves on helping new authors get a good grasp of the Twific community. We showcase little-known stories and design contests specifically for both unknown and new writers. We try to integrate those famous and well-loved Twifickers with the noobs, cause we can. :)' If you haven't checked out the Twinklings before, do it now!!
Run by Captain Akyria and her Lieutenants, NCChris, Kitty Cullen, OCDJen, Rosella Whitlock, SarahAH30, and Gem, The Major's Army informs you on all things Whitlock - Jasper, Peter, and Charlotte! *le grunt* Follow on Twitter, or do an about-face and feel disappointment for the rest of your life!
The Major's Army is hosting their very first contest. The Annonymous Whitlock Wars Contest! Details can be found on the contest page. Entries accepted from July 12th-September 12th, with voting from September 14th-20th. Get to writing, the Major orders it!!
Jasper's Naughty Girls showcases those stories that portray the men of Twilight as DARK...yum! It's all about those dominant, powerful, sexy, irresistible men! Be sure to follow The Naughty Girls on Twitter!
Twi Network is a relatively new site that caters to getting the word out there to everyone, and BY everyone. Joining the Twi Network your story is tweeted out to their ever growing amount of followers. Each week they also have special segments. Author Spotlights, Story of the Week, Re-tweeters of the week, and what the site contributors are reading now. This site is an excellent way to get the word of mouth out there, if you think you've got a fic that's so worthy it just shouldn't pass under the radar. Check out the site and fill your form out today!!
Fan Fiction Frenzy is a new site to share and read all alternate types of stories for your favorite books, movies, or television shows. The doors are open and they want those stories! They want those readers! They also offer MA-rated stories - without fear of repercussion! So, please, go explore this site, take a look at the blog, read the guidelines, sign up, and submit those stories! Also, don't forget to follow on Twitter for updates on what they're doing!
The Twilight Muses are Madam Akyria, Mistress Gem, and Lady Tazz, and they do a variety of segments: recs, prompts, pics, teasers, contests, as well as Slash Saturday. They are always looking for a guest Muse, so drop them a line if you're interested!
If you have something you want to pimp, TwiFic Pimps is a great place to go! You can also suggest a topic for their podcast (they just had their first episode), and you can submit reviews for Hump Your Readers Wednesdays. Follow on Twitter at @twificpimps...
For The Love Of Non-Canon is a blog dedicated to Non-Canon stories in the Twilight Fandom. 'Pairings like Bella and Jasper, Bella and Emmett, Bella and Carlisle. Charlie and Esme, Charlie and Victoria etc… Just pairings that aren’t mentioned at all in the books.' Go check out their site, and check out their daily line up. Have a photo manip of a non-canon pairing you created? Send it to them, they'd love to see it, and possibly post it. Follow them on Twitter here.
A Darker Twilight is Twi-author Jacque's site, where you can find the author's story postings, as well as specials like Imagry Block Mondays, Water Tuesday Recs, Wednesday Video Fuckery, Soaking Thursday Interviews, Private Personal Fridays, Sadist Saturday Teasers, and Hell-Bound Author Sundays. Jacque is always posting something new, so go and check it out! Starting July 1st, Jacque will have Workout Sessions twice weekly. Workout Sessions are lessons on how to write Twilight Fanfiction. Good stuff!
Thanks again to all of our affiliates. If there is anything you'd like us to pass along in next week's segment, send us an email at AlteredandSacrificial@gmail.com
Sparkling Citrus is a blog dedicated to bringing you the best of Twilight Fan-fiction. Their focus is to bring awareness to both Canon and Non-Canon quality fics and authors with story recommendations, author interviews, and story reviews. Need a new story to read? Click the link and see what these ladies are reading!
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