Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday Selections for 9/12/10


catonspeed recommends

*Creeps out of the basement and blinks at the bright lights*

OHAI, sheeples! Do you remember waaaaaaaaaaaaay back when I rec'd BellaFlan for her Emmett OS? Good shit, yes? Well, I've been so out of touch that I hadn't realised she'd written Becoming Bella Swan (insert fangirl style jumping up and down - the lovely, lovely lady emailed it to me to read on holiday - j'adore her!), which I motherfunking LOVELOVELOVED! But then it was over, and I was indeed a very sad panda.

Woe was me!

But then...

Sweet Tooth happened. And praise the lawd! I was saved from the monotony of a non craic lifestyle, and I giggled, and snorted, AND gigglesnorted my way through the six chapters I found up online. If you haven't found it yet and you can get down with a little AH diiiiiiirty, funny fuckery, then ZOMG are you in for a TREAT! A buttercream-peniscake-cannolipube-confectionary-treat!!! *disney sigh* Written as a collab between BellaFlan and Mac214 (of 'Relative Wind' dilfward acclaim - it's on the reading list, but you had me at the mention of Dilfward, woman), it's seriously cute, awkward fun and it'll have you chuckling away as the pair navigates you through their delicious world of dentophilla and just pure WIN! It's AH Edward and Bella, and other characters from the saga are popping in where you least expect them (Best Rose? I think so...), so don't go expecting traditional cannon (and who would want it with this? seriously? When you read it you'll see what I mean). I won't ruin it with spoilers, but I will tell you that I won't ever be able to say buttercream in a normal way again ha ha! Mmmmmm buttercream!

Words can't adequately describe how much I enjoyed reading what they have up so far, and I'm salivating like Bella over a bouquet of pussy cakes at the prospect of MOAR chaps, so I made them something involving the best that googleSPECIAL offers me:

Here's the official FFn blurb:

Sweet Tooth - Come to Pink Cookie, where porn never tasted this good. Erotic baker, Edward Cullen has a new obsession in the form of Bella Swan. Will his buttercream satisfy her sweet tooth? AH, OOC, Comedy/Romance.

And yes, that IS a sprinklepenis in the banner, and if you stare hard enough at the background you'll see what THAT is tee hee! *pats google and whispers sweet nothings in its ear*

Go read it! You won't be disappointed!

*scurries back into the basement*

Maelyn recommends

Twilight/Shop Around the Corner : AU Edward and Bella become friends on an online massive-multiplayer roleplaying game. What will happen when they meet in real life, but don't know it? BxE. Rated K+

I found this story in the first few months of reading fanfiction and I thought it was so cute and lovable.  For those who aren’t aware, I’m a bit of a gamer girl.  Of course, with my addiction to Twilight fanfiction and the like, the gaming has been on the back burner lately, but I still love it.  So when I saw this story summary, I just had to read it.

What I found was such a wonderful, fluffy short story that is well written and has such interesting characters and storyline.  I’ve been in relationships with fellow gamers myself, so it’s easy to see where Edward and Bella are coming from in the fic and how you can fall in love with someone’s mind before ever having physical contact.  In addition, some of my closest friends are girls I met online, so I can also see how ‘virtual’ friends can be just as important as ‘real’ friends, as some people term them. 

As the writer says: 

“You see, it doesn't really matter where you meet someone. Both online and real life, they're just the same person with a different face. I know this because I first met Edward on the internet, and together we're as real as real can be. Some of our other guild friends have also shown themselves to be some of the closest people to us we know."   

I guess I can empathize with so much of the story, it makes it mean that much more to me.  Of course, I’ve never had the instance where they end up being people I know in ‘real life’, but I do love the beauty of the story here.

Edward and Bella are still pulled together when they meet in person, even with all the misunderstandings, and that is what makes it beautiful.  Everyone wants to believe that when you meet your soul mate, you’ll just know them, be drawn to them.  And even though this story is fluffy, it still is able to bring that point to life.

So if you want a cute, contemporary story, check her out!

Merina Green recommends

When Bella's life takes an unexpected turn she's forced to find her estranged father, but not everything is as straight forward as it seems. Blood isn't always thicker than water. AU AH. B/E Rated M.

"Privileged" is an AH E/B fic.  I love this story.  I first found Nostalgicmiss's writing when I read "The Girl Under the Bed" (AH Jasper/Bella.  If you haven't read it, you should.).  When that story ended, I was a bit sad - Nostalgicmiss is a great writer, with well written stories and good character and story development. And she updates EVERY WEEK.  What would I have to look forward to on Tuesday mornings?  I mean, it was a habit!  And I'm a creature of habit!  Luckily, like a good drug dealer, Nostalgicmiss started another story, and sure enough, the updates come out every Tuesday like clockwork.  *sigh*  And don't think I'm reading this because I need a drug fix.  I'm reading it because it's GOOD.  It's set in New Orleans and various other spots around southern Louisiana, so I'm able to get a good mental picture of her scenarios, and that is always a good thing for me.  She's also got a really good handle on the way that certain, um, "social circles" work in the Crescent City.

The story's based on the premise that Bella has been raised in the
Atchafalya Basin by her grandma (okay, that's the Louisiana swamp for those of you that don't know).  Flighty Renee, of course, took off long ago when she was a baby.  Charlie was there, too, but...well, you gotta read the story.  Upon her grandma's death, Bella discovers that her biological father is Carlisle Cullen - rich, well connected, New Orleans doctor. And of those three adjectives, "well connected" is the most important, followed by "rich", after which "doctor" trails far behind.  Bella decides to go to New Orleans to meet this father and see if she can figure out why she's just now finding out about him at the age of 17.   What she finds there is a shock to her poor Cajun Girl system, but she gamely decides to soldier on.  Because she's not a quitter, and she refuses to be driven back home like a beat dog.  Personally, if it was me, I would have said "Fuck you all" within the first week and gone home to retain my sanity.  But then, of course, there wouldn't be a story.  I keep telling Nostalgic this.  Almost every review, in fact.  She keeps telling me "Trust Me".  And I do.  And Bella does seem to be working through everything just fine.  But every obstacle overcome just leads to a bigger one, it seems.  

The story is wonderfully written, and Nostalgic has developed all the characters beautifully.  All our favorites are here, and there's a new one for us to hate.  I mean enjoy.  None of them start out where they 'need' to be, but we get to see the characters gradually shift and grow.  Hell, talk about Slow Build here for E/B, you won't even be sure it IS an E/B fic for quite a while.  In fact, you'll decide you don't WANT it to be an E/B fic at one point, because we ALL love J/B, and, well...just read the story.  It's got angst, mystery, romance, and a wonderfully written Bella trying to figure out the world she's suddenly found herself in.  And we get to try to figure it out right along with her.

(Make sure to check out the Privileged blog too!)


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