Sunday, May 2, 2010

This Shit Ain't Getting Pulled

So yeah, things seemed to have stemmed out of control, then in control again, then out of control again, and then it hits my inbox - and even with the stomach flu, you can only ignore the shit for so long. I started writing this piece while Tina made the decision to go ahead and pull the original post, so it's gone. It's now my understanding that the ADF post is gone, too.

First of all, let's give a rundown of how we do things around here. We, the contributors to this blog, are all individuals, and this is first and foremost a BLOG. We share our thoughts, we garner opinions--both positive and negative--we rec stories, and we also bring awareness to the TwiFic community, both positive and negative. As individuals, we're all entitled to our own opinions, and Tina shared her thoughts in her post called Faking One's Death In The Fandom. This one is mine, and if any of the other Lambs want to, they can share theirs. I respect any of these ladies on this blog and all of their opinions, whether I agree with them or not. But we WILL voice our opinions, whether any of YOU like it or not.

But back to Tina's post. While I might have agreed with what Tina was trying to accomplish, I didn't agree with the fact that it was posted here. And I, like many sober others, knew what her intentions were. It was written to the individual, first and foremost, and the fandom as a whole was addressed last. It is my opinion that this letter (because to me, that's what it was), should have been sent to this person's old email account, or Facebook account, or however. Or, if it was going up on this blog as a way to get word to the individual, it should have had the name of that individual.

It was a letter. It was written because Tina cared about this person. She HAD every right to write it and every right to post it. The disclaimer that she put on the post today said this:

DISCLAIMER: I would like to first state that there is speculation surrounding WHO I am speaking about. All I will state is that those who were closest to this person ALREADY know about this individual faking their death. I was only recently made aware of the 'fake', not that the death was recent! If you don't already know that this person faked their death, then you need to wait until those who WERE closest to this person decide to tell you. It is not my place to divulge this information.

I have to give my opinion here - and if some of you who were 'closest to this person' don't like it, well I'm sorry, but it's my thought that if Tina felt the need to write this after she heard about the great resurrection, then she has just as much place as those she is protecting. It affected her, obviously. Twice. Once when she heard about this person's death, and then again when she heard it was fake. It's my opinion, however, that the name should have been given - because it did look a little on the passive aggressive side. It might have very well created a much larger negative response for both Tina AND the person who decided to off themselves to the FF community.

How many of us can say that we have any opinion in this at all? Did I read this individual's stories? Yes. Did I follow her on Twitter? Yes. Did I know her? No. If someone told me she died, I'd give my condolences. But if someone told me she was alive after she faked her death for unknown reasons, I'd still say, 'Well, that's fucked up.' Because IT IS. It's unneccessary. It's just plain fucking stupid. Unless said individual was (and this is just an example) wanted by the fucking Mafia and had to go into witness protection and had to off their self in every arena, including the Twilight Fandom.....Pfft.

Easy fix people - if you want to off yourself from FF, just delete your fucking stories and kill your fucking account, or remove your email so you don't get reviews, or PMs, or any other bullshit you don't want to deal with anymore. Just...go.

Here's a scenario. All of this - Tina's post, this post, the post that was created over at ADF...well, if this was said individual's idea at a social experiment, then we all just played the game a little bit more, and said person just might be sitting on her ass having a real good laugh.

And just one more thought here - this community comes together and shines. Could you imagine if this community would have come together for an individual who faked their death under the ideals of either suicide, killed by a drunk driver, breast cancer, aneurysm, etc., etc? Granted, if the writer is popular enough, and if we can come together for Haiti or FGB, then what's to stop us from doing something in this person's name? I sure as hell would be glad we did it for the cause, but because we were paying our respects to this individual? Well, I still would have also felt duped. I would have been pissed. I don't think I'm alone with this. And Tina's post would have smelled like roses compared to some of the shit I could have spouted out.

There's been speculation over who the individual is, especially over at the ADF post that was pulled. She reiterated it there and I'll reiterate it here - the individual WAS NOT Lasmke. WAS NOT. Christ, look at Tina's screename, people! That should give you a big clue.

For all of you who were affected by this because of the individuals names that were involved, and for all of you who were close to these people who really did pass on, I do sympathize with you and I do understand why this was anger-inspiring, but Tina had every right to post what she did. We all have made some remarkable relationships in the fandom. The majority of us care, don't you think? I just think it could have been handled differently.

Thank You,



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