Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where in the World is... Zaytyll?

Where in the world is... Zaytyll?

Has anyone seen Zaytyll, the awesome writer of Unfathomable Bonds? You know, that story with the hottest Volturi characters I’ve ever read? Anybody know of her whereabouts? Anyone?


PhotobucketOh wait, we do!

See, Zaytyll is famously known as Maelyn. She’s our GothLamb. And if you look at our Petting Zoo... oh, there she is! The 'quiet' one of the Lambs, her favourite pastime is role-playing. So somewhere out there, her rp character’s probably busy canoodling with Marcus Volturi. Oh, and she also has this weird obsession with sock puppets.

Dude... IdreamofEddy’s four chapters ahead of you! That’s one hella big deal if you think about it. I mean, she’s also way ahead of my own updates, but we’re not talking about me here... teeheehee

I know I sound harsh, but I just love your story THIS much (you may not see this, but I’m stretching my arms as far as I can). Your Jasper tease in the beginning - I can’t get that image out of my head. Don’t even get me started on Demetri and Felix. You, my friend, own the Volturi.

*gchat pings* Uno momento, por favor...

*ten minutes later*

Um... I made the wrong post, so disregard that *points to the beginning of the post*. I promised the Lambs that I’m gonna be nice to you the rest of the post. So, here, to make up for the rant...

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!



We mostly love you because you're MiniMaj's aunt!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

You’re also one amazing friend.
I'm very honored that I was trusted to make this post for you, and I hope I did some justice to it.

As always, the other Lambs would like to say a few words:

From MamaLamb:


Seems like yesterday I used to chat with you over on Twilighted first, and then Twitter later on. I liked you - you were a slight shade of normal when we first started chatting.


PhotobucketNow I just love you. You've always been honest with me, you've never been afraid to share your opinion. I'm sure I've pissed you off a time or two, but you've always stuck by me. Supported me. Treated me with respect. Helped me understand RP a little better, when it was the only outlet I could really function with. Listen to my ideas, and motivated me with your words. I miss your writing because I've always loved it, and I hope you still do plan to continue on at some point. You're killer at everything you do, whether it's write, RP, review, rec, everything. You're thorough and you're a delight, and one of the finest people in this community.

And you're old. Welcome to 38!

But we all just get better with time. :)

I wish you nothing but the best, and I hope your birthday was just as memorable as mine.


From LambPretzel:

Dear Mae,

I hope you have a great birthday! I hope it's filled with fuckery, fun, love, laughter - and maybe Amanda will surprise you with a story hint and then run away cackling to her corner while you stomp your foot at her and say, "I told you I don't want details!"

I'm so happy that I've gotten to know you by working on this blog together and I'm giggling at the fact that Maj has made a WITW out of you! You knew it was going to happen sooner or later, right? But that's all a part of the Lamb joy...

So make a wish and blow out your candles - I hope all your birthday wishes come true :)

Tina xxx


From LambWhale:

Happy Birthday Mae! You're a great lambsister, and I'm enjoying the fuckery we've gotten up to so far! I'm sure there'll be plenty more of it in our future, even if you are getting old...because you're never too old to cause chaos in the world around you.

Donna's at quite a loss for words at the moment, so she would like to greet you with a happy birthday in whale speak:

LambBaton's very busy with... baton twirling, but she'd like to leave you this message:

And last but certainly not the least, from a little something from LambKitty:

Lucy's out of commission right now, so here's a birthday greeting from her in geek-speak:


Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

I can already imagine Mae's reaction to this post:



  1. Happy Birthday, Mae!

    It was ALL Maj. ALL OF IT.

    Raise your hand, Maj!

    Anyways, I hope you have a great birthday, and I wish you nothing but the best, in everything you do.

  2. *blush*
    LOL... like I have the brain power to do all this!
    It was a team effort, really.
    I almost broke the Petting Zoo (again) at least four times.
    I swear I'll never touch that area again...

    Happy Birthday, Mae!
    Love you much!

  3. You guys are the absolute best women EVER! You had me laughing so hard I thought I was gonna pee my pants! *Wipes away tears*

    Ahem, so anyways...I find this even funnier cuz I sent Chapter 4 to Tina earlier today and Merina even got a sneak peak at it to make sure I had my head on straight. So as soon as Tina is able to work her magic on it, I will fix it up and post. Look for it in a few days. And I dunno how long till the next one. Hopefully not so long!

    Petting zoo pic is AWESOME! I love it! I shit bats! RAWR!

    And Marcus, abso-FUCKING-lutely. I love that man, mostly cuz of what I did to him in my head - and wrote in my fic, but also because some of THE best RPers I've played with (on twitter anyway) are Marcus'. He just makes me all gooey and warm inside. #TeamMarcus !!!

    The Marcus JibJab movie was SOOO good!!! I about fucking DIED laughing at it. I was holding my stomach and wiping away tears.

    I can't believe you fuckers found a sock puppet cake or that other clip with them. That rocks! Sock puppets WILL take over the world one day! *evil grin*

    The Romeo and Juliet JibJab was sooo cute and funny at the same time. It had be totally giggling!

    Had I not been laughing so hard at the other stuff, you guys would have had me crying with what y'all wrote. I know I'm not the most vocal or outgoing of the Lambs, but I am still opinionated. You just have to actually ask me for it sometimes HAHA. Still, I'm glad I met ALL you wonderful ladies, all thanks to my fangirling over Kay. Who knew?!

    Kay you are my FF role model and if I can write anything as epic and complex as you then I'll be happy with my work. You're also outspoken and blatant, which I love. I hate having to guess what people really mean.

    Tina you rock. I love that you are honest with me, even when I might not wanna hear it, but I have nothing but respect for that and it's why I'm glad to have you helping me with my itty bitty story, but more because it's a quality I want in my friends.

    Maj you are my late night caller, tweeting or gshatting at all hours about everything and nothing sometimes. I love that you have such a big heart and find love in it for everyone, even some who might not deserve it.

    Lucy you are a source of my amusement in nearly everything you do, but if I'm not laughing at something you say/do then I'm admiring the insight and intelligence that you portray. You can, at times, shock me with how profound you can be and I like the surprise.

    Wendy your opinion was one of the few outside the Lambs that I ever wondered about in my writing, before you ever were a Lamb, that is. Then you became one and reviewed my work and I clapped in delight at how much you loved it. I couldn't believe that you even read my E/B one shot, much less loved it and gave such a great review.

    Merina I'm still getting to know you, but I like that we can bond over the goodness that is Marcus. It's always fun to gush about him. It's something I won't tire of anytime soon.

    And with that, I am off to finish up a few things and get some sleep before my hell day later. *headdesk* Someone wish for a downpour for tomorrow so I don't have to go? Please?! Meh, I'll have my phone and read or tweet or something and hope I don't run down the battery too quickly...

    Thank you guys SFM for this post. It's totally the best part of my day!!

    *blows kisses to all my lovely Lambs*

    Oh, and PS Maj, this post rocked! See you can do it!! :D

  4. Sneak peek at Chapter 4...o.O

  5. I was SO hoping you'd post it last night, and beat the "WITWI"!!! Happy birthday, old woman!

  6. LOL I could have, but I'd rather have it beta'd first. No worries though. It will be up in a few days. :)
