Thursday, June 10, 2010

Word of the Week - Wood


This week's WotW is dedicated to idreamofeddy


First definition:

A man of extreme greatness. Usually found around a Shly or a Niko, who complete him. Usually found around the Shly more often, but when around Niko, crazy events will, and do, follow.

"I love wood, and he's super cool."

Not Kay's type of Wood

Close enough, but not the actual Wood.

Second definition:

Something hard that you must rub regularly to keep shiny. Wood can be found in lots of places, like in your son or daughter's bedroom (In Kay's case, her own). You can do many things with wood, like knock it, pound it or sit on it. People often enjoy using their wood, usually for productive activities or fun and entertainment.

"I've got some hard wood, I'm gonna go upstairs and work on it."

 I doubt this is the kind of Wood Kay wants to play with...

Somewhere out there, the rest of the lambs were swooning with glee...


We'll talk about this type of Wood next time.


  1. Wood, oh Wood! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

  2. aaaahhhh! those summer niiiiiiggggghhhhttttsss!
    Damn, I sure hope Kay is getting some wood soon. mmmm, mmmm, mmmm.

  3. Is that the fucking Brawny Man? That's okay, dude looks fucking stellar in plaid. But Wood doesn't wear plaid.

    One morning, he was wearing this old camouflage t-shirt, a pair of cut off sweats, and fucking cowboy boots. It WAS a campground.

    'Something hard that you must rub regularly to keep shiny. Wood can be found in lots of places, like in your son or daughter's bedroom (In Kay's case, her own). You can do many things with wood, like knock it, pound it or sit on it. People often enjoy using their wood, usually for productive activities or fun and entertainment.'

    Most definitely my favorite thing about this entire post. I feel loved.

  4. Kay, I'm convinced that Mr. Wood is really Peter
